How to Cancel a Return Flight on a Round Trip Ticket
Cancel a return flight on a round-trip ticket you purchased if you decide you want to make a vacation destination your permanent home, or if re-booking travel for another date on the same airline incurs more of a penalty than booking a new ticket on another. Request a refund if you cancel a ticket that is fully or partially refundable, but don't expect anything more than flight credit to use at a later date if you traveled to your destination on a non-refundable ticket.
Click the "My Reservations" button on the airline's website. Input the six-digit PNR ticket number and the last name of the primary traveler on the reservation. Click the "Cancel" button and accept any requests that the airline gives to confirm that you want to cancel it. Follow the refund instructions the website gives you if your ticket was refundable.
Call the airline at the customer service number listed within your confirmation email, within your itinerary online or on the airline's website. Provide the phone associate with your six-digit PNR ticket number and inform him you would like to cancel the return ticket. Ask him if he can process the refund for you -- if your ticket is refundable -- and if he can't, how you go about doing that.
Visit one of your airline's ticket offices in the city where you travel to, to cancel the ticket in-person. Ask the representative who cancels a nonrefundable ticket to process the refund on your behalf.
If you purchased trip insurance in conjunction with an itinerary, contact the insurer prior to canceling the flight to make sure the reason is covered. Your airline isn't responsible for holding the insurer accountable.
Don't just miss your return flight. In addition to the fact that you can't recoup funds in this instance, whether it is a cash refund or flight credit, not showing up for the flight has other consequences. For example, if several people travel on the same itinerary and only you are absent, airline employees may question the rest of your group.